Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The traveling Workouts!

These workout are to be perform every time we don't have a gym close to us or if we are on vacations and we aren't willing to "pay" a 15-25dlls drop in fee!
During this Holiday I'm posting 8 workouts which I encourage you guys to take on 6 of them and send me or post you times and complaints or stories.

If a workout calls for "double unders" and you aren't able to do them I deeply encourage you to practice them at home. They are challenging but nothing feel as good as a Snatch and a good set of Double Unders.
Tuff Luv,

1.- "Turbulence": 10 ROUNDS of 1 min of double unders 30 sec of rest. Post accumulated double unders in all 10 sets.
Heres is Buddy Lee coaching the double unders the SAME way I've been teaching them. He will get into the @ 1min and 34 sec on the video. He talks funny, don't look 2 smart but he is a SICK Skipper... pay attention!

2.- The "Puckie Brewster" This preferably done if you feel too "fat" after Xmas dinner and wanna "let it all out"
FOR TIME: 100 Burpees (Chest to deck not belly ok?! be honest with yourself. Clap or raise hands over head and jump after each rep!)

3.- Run 5km as hard as you can! Post times

4.- "Annie" 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders/Sit ups, Here's a video of Chris Spealer doing the workout. It is explained as well. That bastard beats me by almost 1 whole minute!

5.- As many push ups as you can possibly do, right away, as many deep jumping squats as you can do, without stopping! REST 2 MIN and repeat a total of 4 times
Notes: Push ups are chest to deck and full extension on the elbow. Squats must break parallel, hip mus go below knee every single rep. Have integrity ATHLETES!

6.- 4 leg cranks for time!! In the video he does 24-24-24-12, we'll stick with 20-20-20-10. Post how long it takes you to do each one and how long you rested between sets. Again, deep squats guys!
7.- 4 rounds of: 40 Squats, 30 sit ups, 20 push ups, 10 burpee push up... For time!

8.- Any of the following can be done... I'll give you 12 workouts to choose from:

100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
1 Round for Time

30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
3-5 Rounds for Time

5 Pushups
10 Situps
15 Squats
Max Rounds in 20 minutes

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Rep Rounds for Time